Tuesday, December 18, 2007

If the Silence is Deafening: Raise Your Voice Louder!

You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you wake up and you remember that its your birthday? What you are feeling is what Christians feel when they finally find Jesus. EXCEPT... 20,000 times better. You feel so loved and never ever alone. As if you could take on the world... after breakfast, of course. That is what Christians feel like. But everybody has struggles and one of them is telling other people about how great our God is. Because the first time you mention God, somebody goes: Give me a BREAK! But, as Christians, we are called to tell about Jesus to the world. This world we are living in now has closed their ears to God, and their eyes. Its hard to live in a world that is deaf and blind about things that might offend someone. They might rather live in darkness, but I choose light. The point of this blog is to tell the world what they need to hear, Jesus is REAL. He was on this world just like you and I are. And he loves us. He loves us so much that he did for us.We are so afraid of our own mortality that we would rather focus on our short little time on earth, than to think about the real picture. A picture that might just be bigger than us and our Materialistic lives. In a world that is so Silent, we have to learn how to speak out and raise our voice. God loves you, and even better, he made a wonderful place for you in heaven. It sounds so great that even fairy tales can't compete with it. A perfect happily ever after? Not in this world, so many people tell us. And the truth is, they are absolutely right. We can't be perfect. We can't even attain it. But in another world, aka HEAVEN, everything is perfect and beautiful. It was made just for us. We are taught to show we are Christians by our actions. But I don't want to show it. I want to be it. I am not going to be a hypocrite and play a part for people to see. It doesn't matter what people think of me. What does matter is what God does. And I would much rather impress him. Since I love to act, I relate Christianity to acting. In great acting, you can't just quote lines. You have to feel them. You have to find the very essence of the soul of the character, and not just portray the character, but you have to learn how to be the character. You have to feel what they feel and see what they see through their eyes. You have to make them you. That is how it is in Christianity. You have to be a Christian through and through, not portray what you think people will like. You have to dare to be different than all those around you, and not worry about what society might think. Dare to be bold, dare to be loud, dare to love in a world that is unloved and violent. So in a world that is so silent, I am going to dare to be loud. I will raise my voice above the deafening silence. Whether it is through song, or words on a computer, I will tell people about my Lord, and my Savior, Jesus Christ. My question for you today is that if you were to die tomorrow, what would people remember you as? I would want them to be able to look at me and know that I am a Christian without me having to say a word. Think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very interesting. strong words u up hold

keep it up=)